Wangen Kindergarten
The kindergarten is housed within a two-storey building to respond to the height of surrounding buildings. Thoughtfully positioned, it occupies the green heart of a new, centrally located housing development and divides the large open space into two different zones: the district square and play garden. The location parallel to and near the southwestern boundary maximizes the green area. The space-creating effect of the elongated main façade, together with the planned buildings, clearly defines the new district square, which also serves as a large forecourt for the kindergarten. The building is clearly structured with generous openings to the outside, giving all rooms direct contact with the surrounding natural space. The simple building structure allows a good overview and different spatial sequences. Internal vistas in all directions create exciting spatial situations and pleasant atmospheres.
Design Team: Andreas Cukrowicz, Anton Nachbaur-Sturm, Stefan Prattes, Aline Messmer with Merz Kley Partner ZT GmbH Dornbirn
Client: Landesgartenschau Wangen im Allgäu 2024 GmbH
Competition 2019 2nd Prize