Lauterach Biomass Heating Plant
The property for the new power station is situated in an area marked by the transition of an industrial zone with its heterogeneously structured buildings into the open plane of the protected landscape of the reed of Lauterach. The new building evolves as a compact structure parallel to the access road. The architectural organization of the heating plant follows the logic of its operational processes. The inside of the building resembles a big machine and is process-optimised in economic terms, from the insertion of the wood chips up to the removal of the ash. The exterior appearance of the building is formed by a façade built out of waste wood from sawmills which after further chopping usually serves as a raw material for combustion purposes. Sawn lumber slabs with varying widths develop a rough facade topic following a calculated random principle and convey the building´s content to the exterior.
Team: Andreas Cukrowicz, Anton Nachbaur-Sturm, Simon Metzler, Christian Schmölz.
Client: Bionahwärme Lauterach GmbH
Photos: Hanspeter Schiess for cukrowicz nachbaur architekten
Concept 2009, Construction 2010